Definition of Obtuse triangle

1. Noun. A triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle.

Exact synonyms: Obtuse-angled Triangle
Generic synonyms: Triangle, Trigon, Trilateral

Definition of Obtuse triangle

1. Noun. (geometry) A triangle one of the angles of which is obtuse. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Obtuse Triangle

obturator hernia
obturator internus
obturator lymph nodes
obturator membrane
obturator nerve
obturator vein
obtuse-angled triangle
obtuse angle
obtuse leaf
obtuse triangle
obtuse triangles
obtusely umbonate

Literary usage of Obtuse triangle

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Architectural Composition: An Attempt to Order and Phrase Ideas which by John Beverley Robinson (1908)
"Nor is it improved by inversion, 4 Base of acute triangle is to 5 obtuse triangle is to Altitude of obtuse triangle 5 Altitude of acute triangle Altitude of ..."

2. Foreign Topography; Or, An Encyclopedick Account, Alphabetically Arranged by Thomas Dudley Fosbroke (1828)
"It is in the form of a cone, terminating in an obtuse triangle, and is now much damaged. The stones do not point to the centre. ..."

3. School Arithmetics by George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (1920)
"obtuse triangle. A triangle in which one of the angles is an obtuse angle is called an obtuse triangle. If necessary the teacher should explain informally ..."

4. Elements of Geometry by George Albert Wentworth (1882)
"88. DEF. The side opposite the right angle is called the Hypotenuse. 89. DEF. An obtuse triangle is one which has one of the angles an ..."

5. Essentials of Arithmetic by George Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (1915)
"obtuse triangle. A triangle in which one of the angles is an obtuse angle is called an obtuse triangle. ORAL EXERCISE 1. ..."

6. Plane Geometry by William Betz, Harrison Emmett Webb, Percey Franklyn Smith (1912)
"In any obtuse triangle the square of the side opposite the obtuse angle is ... In a right or an obtuse triangle the greatest side is opposite the right or ..."

7. The World Book: Organized Knowledge in Story and Picture edited by Michael Vincent O'Shea, Ellsworth D. Foster, George Herbert Locke (1918)
"A triangle that has a right angle is a right triangle ; one that has an obtuse angle is an obtuse triangle; one that has all its angles acute is an ..."

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